Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant: Complete information on Eligibility Criteria, Application Process, Funding Information and How to apply

Introduction: Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant, the Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP) has announced a 20000 Pound grant for legacy digitization to be availed by eligible individual or organizations. Interested parties who want to apply for the grant must read the full article and enhance their knowledge on eligibility criteria and how to apply.

Last Date of Application: 20th November 2023


Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant about the Organization

In an increasingly interconnected yet precarious world, the Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP) stands as a beacon of preservation and understanding. EMKP is a noble endeavor, offering vital support to knowledge holders, practitioners, and scholars through grants. These grants empower individuals to delve into critically endangered material knowledge globally, particularly in regions often overlooked and where local funding opportunities are scarce.

EMKP is not merely a grant provider; it’s a bridge connecting communities, cultures, and histories. Through its initiatives, EMKP fosters connections between source communities and museum arti-facts scattered across the globe. It acts as a guardian, ensuring that the material knowledge held within these objects is not lost to time or overshadowed by modern industrialization.

Central to EMKP’s mission is the creation of a digital repository—a sanctuary dedicated to preserving material knowledge. In this digital haven, the essence of craftsmanship, the intricacies of ancient technologies, and the social values underpinning these practices are safeguarded. In an era where traditional practices are threatened by mass-produced goods and industrial juggernauts, this repository serves as a digital ark, protecting endangered material knowledge from being erased by the sands of time.

EMKP annually extends both small and large grants, each a lifeline for endangered material knowledge. Managed meticulously by the dedicated EMKP Team at the British Museum, these grants are awarded based on the discerning recommendations of the EMKP Expert Panel. By funding new research in understudied regions and supporting local practitioners, EMKP ignites the flame of knowledge preservation, ensuring that ancient crafts and traditional wisdom continue to illuminate our modern world.


Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant Details

The EMKP Legacy Digitisation Grant supports the digitisation of ‘legacy’ material pertaining to material knowledge that is now endangered or was endangered at the time the research was taking place. ‘Legacy’ material refers to collections and research records relating to projects which have already concluded, including field notes, photographs, negatives, videos, film reels, audio recordings, and objects. Legacy Digitisation Grants are awarded for up to 1 year with a maximum of £20,000.

Applicants can apply for this grant regardless of nationality. We accept applications from individuals attached to host institutions, as well as communities or institutions. The original creator of the documentation can apply on behalf of their own work.


Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant Eligibility Criteria

The EMKP Legacy Digitisation Grants welcome applications from:

  • Individuals affiliated with a Host Institution that can provide ethical and budgetary oversight of the project. The Host Institution will be directly responsible for receiving and managing the funds and submitting the budget accounts to the EMKP team according to the reporting schedule. The original creator of the documentation can apply on behalf of their own work.
  • Host Institutions or community organisations lacking the necessary infrastructure or facilities to digitise their collections. In this case, it will be the responsibility of the community or institution to designate a person as the Principal Applicant for overall project management and co-ordination, including reporting to EMKP.
  • In exceptional circumstances, Principal Applicants not affiliated with an institution as described above may apply independently. In such cases, the potential applicant should get in touch with the EMKP team in advance and before submitting the application. T

There is no restriction on the nationality of the Principal Applicant, although they should show relevant experience. If an applicant is currently enrolled in a PhD, they must provide a letter of support from their supervisor to ensure the work is carried out according to the terms of the grant. They must also explain in their application how the proposed EMKP work fits into their PhD research/programme.

We strongly encourage applications from members of communities whose material knowledge systems have been documented, or projects which show an emphasis on co-production and ownership of knowledge.



Application Invited for EMKP Legacy Digitization Grant How to Apply

All applications must be done online via EMKP application portal (

You will need to register in order to submit an application. Registration must be done by the Principal Applicant. Once registered and after logging in, you will be able to select whether you are applying for a small grant or large grant.

Please see the registration guidelines for further information (

Reference Website Link


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