Application Invited for Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA): Complete information on Eligibility criteria, Selection Process and How to Apply

Introduction: Application Invited for Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance and to uphold the commitments to the 2000 Stockholm Declaration.

Last Date of Application: 29th September 2023

Grant Amount: 50000 Euro

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About the Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

The IHRA Grant Program co-funds innovative, relevant, and impactful projects with a clear international component that:

  • Safeguard the record of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma (Program 1), or
  • Counter distortion (Program 2)

Projects that receive IHRA funding also have access to the wealth of IHRA expertise, tools, and guidance which have been developed since the IHRA’s establishment in 1998.

Organizations from anywhere in the world can apply. However, given the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the IHRA Grant Program encourages institutions working in and around Ukraine to apply for funding so they can continue their efforts during this difficult time, and to lay the foundation for remembrance of the Holocaust during Ukraine’s recovery process and beyond.


Funding Information for Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

The IHRA Grant Program provides a maximum of 50,000 EUR per project per year of funding, and a minimum of 15,000 EUR per project per year of funding. At least 50% of the total budget for the project is to be covered by sources other than the IHRA. Your co-funder may be your formal project partner but does not need to be – further details found in the Grant Guidelines Document.


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In case the organization does not have co-funder for Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

If, at the time of applying, confirmation from other funding sources has not yet been received, the applicant should list all potential co-funders that have been contacted. Required co-funding must be procured by December 2024 following the grant notification. The applicant must furnish proof that other donors have committed themselves to co-funding or that co-funding will be provided from other sources to receive the initial installment of 70% of the annual allocation.

Eligibility Criteria Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

  • Aligning your project to at least one of the IHRA’s two programs, or the Professor Yehuda Bauer Grant.
  • Program 1: Safeguarding the record of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma.
  • Program 2: Countering distortion.
  • Professor Yehuda Bauer Grant: New and significant research on the Holocaust and antisemitism.
  • Providing a clear needs assessment for the project. You will be asked to provide a clear needs assessment outlining the reason you have chosen this project now. This means you will need to clearly state in your application why your project is needed now and why your organization should be the one to deliver it.
  • Providing clearly defined project objectives, outputs and outcomes. Project objectives and expected outcomes must be logically related to each other, should be clearly described and should be relevant to the IHRA Grant Program’s stated aims. Applications which include various activities, which could be considered as several projects within one proposal, are not eligible for funding.
  • Aiming the project at the IHRA’s relevant target groups. Applications should clearly indicate the target group(s) of the proposed project and outline how the project will reach or influence these groups. Key questions to consider are:
  • Who does your project aim to influence and how does it propose to do so?
  • What measurable change do you wish to see in your target group if your project is successful?
  • IHRA resources to be used during the project.
  • Factoring in both an international dimension and partnership with one or more other organizations.
  • Producing a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
  • Producing a communications plan.
  • Recommendation letters.
How to Apply for Grant Program International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

Applicants are to first submit project abstracts via the application portal by 29 September. Applicants with successful abstracts will be notified by mid-October and invited to submit a full application via the application portal.

Link to the Application Grant Portal>>>Click here


Reference Official Website Link

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