Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023: Complete Grants Eligibility Explained

Introduction: Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023 is announced lately and they are now inviting applications from interested parties for the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program, the program is designed to support innovative local research initiative to improve patient outcomes.

Last Date of applying: 18th August 2023


If you are new to the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023, then let me take the opportunity to introduce the organization to you, this may help you understand the functioning of the grantor.

Throughout the past few decades, remarkable strides have been made in the field of medical research, revolutionizing the treatment landscape for a multitude of conditions. The dedicated efforts to understand and combat diseases like HIV, chronic viral hepatitis, hematological malignancies, solid tumors (including breast, lung, and bladder cancers), and invasive fungal infections have yielded groundbreaking results.

The continuous pursuit of knowledge and advancements in medical science has culminated in the development of significant new treatments. These cutting-edge therapies offer a ray of hope and a multitude of therapeutic options in the battle against these complex diseases.

The impact of these breakthroughs goes far beyond the realm of science. It resonates profoundly in the lives of countless patients, fostering longer life expectancy and an improved quality of life. Patients who once faced uncertain futures now find renewed hope and the promise of brighter days ahead.

As medical researchers and healthcare professionals work hand in hand, this unwavering commitment to progress has become a beacon of hope for patients and their loved ones. The journey towards a healthier and happier future is paved with the remarkable achievements that have redefined the possibilities of modern medicine.

The remarkable progress achieved over the years has not only extended life spans but has also empowered individuals to cherish life’s precious moments with renewed vigor. Embracing the spirit of compassion and innovation, we continue to forge ahead, breaking barriers, and opening new horizons in medical care.

In this age of transformation, we stand witness to the profound impact of scientific discoveries on human lives. Let us celebrate the spirit of collaboration and determination, as together, we illuminate the path to a healthier, brighter future for all.

Now let us dig into the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023, what it’s all about


The AIM of the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023

Through the Fellowship program, Australian researchers have the opportunity to access funding in various therapeutic areas. This commitment aims to drive advancements in medical care and ultimately improve the lives of patients.

The Fellowship aims to support:

  • projects with a clinical and ‘real-world’ focus
  • the development and implementation of best practice to enhance patient outcomes
  • Research in the specific disease areas of HIV and/or chronic viral hepatitis, hematological malignancies, solid tumors (especially breast, lung and bladder), and invasive fungal infections.


Next in line is the Focus Projects Included in Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023


Read below,


The Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program seeks to drive impactful research with a focus on enhancing outcomes for individuals living with HIV and/or chronic viral hepatitis, haematological malignancies, solid tumors (with special attention to breast, lung, and bladder cancers), and invasive fungal infections.

They welcome diverse project proposals, encompassing sociological, epidemiological, and practical aspects of patient care. In line with our commitment to making a meaningful difference, we enthusiastically encourage applications for community-based projects, even if they may not align with traditional grant criteria.

While they appreciate the value of basic science research and clinical studies on specific therapeutic agents, kindly note that they fall outside the scope of the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program.


Research Proposal Areas of Focus Projects Included in Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023



·         The Gilead Australia Fellowship Program supports innovative projects to help improve the lives of people living with or at risk of acquiring HIV. The 2024 program is looking to support initiatives across health care organisations that support our ambition to ending the epidemic, everywhere for everyone. In particular, projects that aim to address the following are welcomed:

  • Improving interest and uptake of screening to identify undiagnosed people living with HIV in high prevalence and/or underserved populations
  • Identifying the reasons for people living with HIV disengaging from treatment and/or being lost to follow-up, and strategies to address these.




Viral Hepatitis

The Gilead Australia Fellowship Program is looking to support projects and initiatives which ultimately lead to an improvement in patient care within the field of viral hepatitis, with a focus on hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV). Priority will be given to those projects that focus on the optimisation of the pathways for the diagnosis and management of HCV & HDV.

Peer funding

·         Developing and/or evaluating IDU and/or HCV peer-led HCV models of care aiming at increasing HCV testing and treatment rates by removing remaining barriers to engagement.


·         Deliver innovative peer-led or clinician-led in-reach programs to improve access, uptake and adherence to medication for chronic hepatitis C, with emphasis on marginalised and/or under-served populations (such as Indigenous communities, drug users and migrants) and non-traditional services (such as parole/probation, emergency rooms and pharmacies).


·         Evaluate existing, or implement and evaluate new, innovative initiatives focused on implementing universal HDV serology of all HBsAg+ patients, reflex HDV RNA testing for all positive HDV serology and subsequent liver management. Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate replicable and scalable potential.






·         The Gilead Australia Fellowship Program is inviting applications focused on improving the care and outcomes of people living with solid tumours (especially breast, lung and bladder) via a variety of projects such as:

  • Audits or registry reviews assessing patient profiles, disease outcomes and treatment patterns
  • Setting up new infrastructure for better diagnosis or detection of disease, or prediction or monitoring of safety and efficacy outcomes to treatment
  • Establishing novel patient support programs or tools
  • New protocols to facilitate improved efficiency in patient care pathways
  • Frameworks to improve monitoring of patient-reported outcome measures or quality of life instruments or educational tools for patients and careers

·         We particularly welcome any project that seeks to reduce inequalities in access to healthcare and outcomes.





·         The Gilead Australia Fellowship Program supports innovative research and best practice sharing to help improve the lives of patients within the field of CAR T cell therapy and haemato-oncology. The Fellowship Program is looking to support projects and initiatives which ultimately lead to an improvement in patient care where CAR T cell therapies are currently used (eg R/R LBCL). This can include, but is not limited to, activities such as:

  • New initiatives to facilitate improved efficiency in patient care and shared care pathways between referring and CAR T treatment centres
  • Audits or registry reviews assessing patient profiles, disease outcomes and treatment patterns quality of life frameworks to improve monitoring of patient-reported outcome measures or quality of life instruments or educational tools for patients and careers
  • New infrastructure/processes established for better diagnosis or detection of disease, or prediction or monitoring of safety and efficacy outcomes to treatment
  • Investigations into better detection and treatment of specific patient populations and sub-types




Invasive Fungal Disease (IFD)

The Gilead Australia Fellowship Program is inviting applications for audit, surveillance or registry projects which aim to assess one or more of the criteria below.


·         Priority: Impact of antifungal drug-drug interactions with new and existing chemotherapeutics, immunotherapies and novel biologics

·         Impact of newer haematological treatment modalities on the incidence of IFD in haemato-oncology patients

Intensive Care

·         Priority: Optimisation and/or use of fungal diagnostics in the ICU to support early diagnosis of IFD and the corresponding impact on treatment course and patient outcomes

·         Antifungal treatment pathways in ICU and how they have been impacted by viral-respiratory associated infections (e.g. COVID, influenza)

Other Patient Groups

·         Priority: Incidence and clinical impact of antifungal resistance in patients with IFD

·         Incidence of IFD in new and emerging patient populations

·         Risk and impact of use of prolonged and/or high doses of corticosteroids on the development of IFD(s)

·         The additional burden of care of IFD when treating solid organ transplant recipients.

Ideally, the above criteria should be looked at in association with patient outcomes.




What are the funding Prospects for the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023


The total funding available for the 2024 Grants Program is $300,000 AUD.

The requested level of funding should be stated at the time of application.*

Funding is contingent on the project:

  • being granted ethics approval (if required)
  • concluding in no more than 18 months after execution of agreement

*A maximum award for successful proposals will be $60,000 AUD.

Amounts awarded may vary, with the exact amount of funding allocated to each project dependent on the nature of the project. Funding is entirely independent of the use of any therapeutic agent.



Are there any conditions for funding for Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023


Yes, take heed below


Projects should run during the calendar year (January–December) of 2024 and all projects must be completed by July 2025. Funding is dependent on the project adhering to this timeframe and applicants must confirm their ability to meet this requirement at the time of application. Funding is also subject to ethics approval being granted, if required.

Please note that basic science research and clinical research based on specific therapeutic agents are out of scope for the Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program.



Points on which application will be scrutinized for Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023

The applications will be reviewed by a judging panel made up of experts from across Australia recognised for their contributions to research. Project applications within the specified themes will be judged against the following criteria:

  • Innovative projects aimed at improving patient care and/or guiding healthcare policy
  • Clear demonstration of need and relevance to local clinical practice
  • Clarity and specificity of key steps involved
  • Measurable objectives and outcomes
  • Collection/reporting of actual project-related cost
  • Collection/reporting of patient-related outcomes
  • Demonstration of clear evaluation plans
  • Clear project timelines
  • Clear demonstration of ability to meet the required timelines
  • Clarity in the budget
  • High likelihood of appropriate ethics approval in the estimated time frame
  • Greater consideration will be given to applications that:
  • Fit within the required project themes and satisfy the required criteria (in particular completion by July 2025)
  • Are innovative or employ novel research approaches
  • Improve access to screening, support and/or medication for minority patient groups who would not necessarily have easy or consistent access to these services
  • Provide a detailed breakdown of exactly how the funds are to be used
  • Are not currently receiving or due to receive funding from other sources
  • Have been or will be granted ethics approval, if required. Allocation of funding will be dependent on receipt of appropriate ethics approval. It is therefore essential that applicants are able to facilitate timely ethics approval so that the project can be completed in the assigned time frame. If for any reason ethics approval is not granted for a project, or if a project initially selected for funding is withdrawn from the Program before funding commences (e.g. due to securing funding from another source), where appropriate the judges reserve the right to select an alternative project to allocate funding to from a shortlist of the next highest-scoring projects.

The decision by the judges to award or not award funding to a project, or to allow flexibility as detailed above, is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding this. Funding decisions by the judging panel are entirely unrelated to the use of any particular therapeutic agent.


The final step, what is the application process for Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program 2023


All applications must be submitted online via the Gilead grants portal. The website will be accepting applications from 1 June 2023 to 23:59 AEST on 18 August 2023. All applicants will need to register on the website to gain access to the application portal. After starting an application online, the form can be saved, and the application continued at a later date. All applications must be completed and submitted by the closing date; incomplete applications and applications submitted after this will not be considered. Please note all correspondence and notifications to applicants will be via email where possible.

What are the key components that should be included in the application?

To assist you with completing your application, the following guidance outlines what should be considered for inclusion:

  • Objective(s) and overview of the project, including a description of specific goals to be achieved and the population to be targeted
  • Description of how the project is innovative
  • Information regarding your/your team’s capacity to initiate and implement the project in a timely manner and complete the project within the specified time frame (i.e. by July 2025)
  • Description of the sustainability of the project, including the potential for scaling up and reproduction in other settings
  • Current clinical or research activities related to the area of application
  • Relevant and project-specific data (i.e. evidence base) that support the need for the project
  • Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive project milestones and action steps required to meet project goals
  • Process for data collection and analysis, including which staff members will analyse the data
  • Methodology for the collection and reporting of cost-effectiveness data and patient-related outcome data (which should ideally be measured using validated tools)
  • Clear details of the budget required and the amount of funding being requested
  • Disclosure of any other sources of funding applied for and/or granted
  • Confirmation of the need for ethics approval and estimated timelines for approval or evidence of approval
  • Name and contact details of the person within your organisation who is authorised to sign grant funding contracts

No individual level data will be requested and no individual or aggregate data will be collected regarding prescribing patterns or treatment regimens, nor should any be submitted in response to a request for data. Organisations may collect and publish such data for their own purposes as per their internal policies.

Do applications need to include references?

References should be listed in the application where relevant. In addition, appropriate sources should be provided for all statistics cited in the application.

What ethics information should be included?

Obtaining ethics approval (if required) is a condition of funding being granted. Your application should indicate whether ethics approval is required and the estimated time of gaining this approval, confirming the body to which the application was made.



Reference Official Website to Gilead Australia Fellowship Grants Program





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