Proposals Invited for Research Project Grant on Evidence on Women’s Collective Action in Agri-Food Systems from MENA and South Asia: Complete information on Eligibility criteria and how to apply

Introduction: Proposals Invited for Research Project Grant on Evidence on Women’s Collective Action in Agri-Food Systems from MENA and South Asia. This invitation for research project grant is from GENDER (Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results) is an innovative and dynamic impact platform within CGIAR. Its core mission is to effectively promote gender equality, provide greater opportunities for youth, and foster social inclusion in agriculture and food systems. By synthesizing and amplifying research, GENDER bridges crucial gaps and propels the CGIAR network towards achieving maximum impact in these key areas.

Last Date of Application: 2nd August 2023

Background of the Research Project Grant on Evidence on Women’s Collective Action in Agri-Food Systems from MENA and South Asia


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The CGIAR Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results (GENDER) Impact Platform aims to catalyze research on gender in agriculture and food systems to achieve more equitable, sustainable, productive, and climate-resilient food systems.

The Evidence Module under the GENDER Impact Platform is inviting proposals for a research project that focuses on the collectivization of women in the MENA region. We are specifically interested in studies that can engage in a comparative analysis of women’s collectives in agri-food systems in MENA with those in South Asia. The South Asian region, with its history of micro-collectives of women being mobilized for objectives ranging from better access to inputs and credit to resilient agriculture and food security. They have also demonstrated their contributions to enhancing women’s agency and gender transformative change in several socio-cultural contexts. The project is also expected to highlight the socio-cultural contexts in the two regions and provide insights on how the learnings from South Asia can be effectively harnessed to be applied in MENA.


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The Evidence Module will provide a grant for one research project aimed at generating evidence using appropriate, rigorous, and cutting- edge methods both quantitative and qualitative methods and tools on the topic “Women’s collective action in agri-food systems: Processes, outcomes and learning from MENA and South Asia”. One (1) grant of a maximum of USD 150,000 will be awarded through a competitive selection process. The maximum duration for the awarded grant is 15 months with an estimated start date of September 2023.


Eligibility Criteria Research Project Grant on Evidence on Women’s Collective Action in Agri-Food Systems from MENA and South Asia

  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct research to international standards of excellence in the topic proposed.
  • Demonstrate strong and equitable partnerships, across the CGIAR and especially with national agricultural research systems (NARS) and other low- and middle-income country partners. Proposals must clearly show meaningful, collaborative relationships through management and scientific contributions, and capacity and learning exchange. The added value arising from bringing together complementary expertise and partnerships must be clearly described. All named researchers must have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  • Demonstrate relevance to the CGIAR impact area of Gender equality, youth, and social inclusion and at least one of the other impact areas: Nutrition, health, and food security; Poverty reduction, livelihoods, and jobs; Climate adaptation and mitigation; and Environmental health and biodiversity.
  • CGIAR Centers are eligible to lead or be included in multiple applications. Centers with presence in the MENA region will be preferred.
  • All CGIAR centers are eligible to submit applications.
  • ICRISAT, CIFOR and ICRAF cannot be lead centers, but can be partners.

There is no co-financing requirement for applications. Research activities that propose to add on to existing funded, ongoing, or soon-to-be launched projects are preferred, although new projects are also eligible if they can be completed within 15 months.

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How to Apply for Research Project Grant on Evidence on Women’s Collective Action in Agri-Food Systems from MENA and South Asia

  • Submit via email to CGIAR GENDER Platform GenderPlatform[at] with a copy to Rachael Mwangi R.Mwangi[at] and Isidora Markicevic I.Markicevic[at]




Reference Website GENDER Link


Deadline: 17:00 EAT, August 2, 2023.

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