Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme: Complete Grants Information and Eligibility Explained

Introduction: Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme, Is your organization driven to foster collaboration that advances sustainable development in EU countries surrounding the Baltic Sea and in the EU’s eastern neighborhood? We share a common vision of achieving economic, environmental, and social sustainability, and together, we can make a lasting and transformative impact.

Last Date to Apply: 20th September 2023


Understand the program first, Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme


Success of the application depends upon how clearly you understand its aim, objectives and program structure.


The SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme offers funding for projects that foster cooperation between Swedish organizations and partners from EU countries around the Baltic Sea and the EU’s Eastern Partnership.

With two types of grants available – seed funding and cooperation project funding – the organisation aim to address cross-border challenges and seize opportunities together, creating a stronger, more interconnected community.

The structure of Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme

Seed funding

A call is now open for the grant type seed funding and closes 20 September 2023.

Seed funding aims to lay the foundation for cooperation. For example, projects can use seed funding to:

  • Prepare applications for new funding (mainly EU).
  • Develop concepts and identify partners for future cooperation.

You and your partners can apply for up to SEK 400,000 for a project you complete within 15 months from the start of the project.

Cooperation projects


This grant type cannot be applied for in the call closing 20 September 2023. SI plans to open a call that includes the grant type cooperation projects in late autumn 2023.

Funding for cooperation projects aims to deepen and further develop cooperation. For example, you can use the funding to:

  • Build networks and platforms.
  • Develop and test models and methods.
  • Provide input to policy and strategy.
  • Build/spread knowledge and competence.

These are larger projects that will contribute to in-depth, long-term cooperation. You and your partners can apply for up to SEK 1,000,000 for a project you complete within 24 months from the start of the project.




Best Suited Organizations for Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme

  • A legal entity based in Sweden must be the main applicant and responsible for the project’s implementation and reporting.
  • A partnership must include actors in at least three countries (including Swedish main applicant).
  • Main applicants and partner organisations can, for example, consist of:
  • Non-governmental organisations, foundations
  • Local authorities
  • Regional authorities
  • Government agencies
  • Higher education institutions and research institutes
  • Intergovernmental organisations
  • Business companies
  • Business and trade organisations

Countries Stand Eligible for the Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme

The following countries can be part of a partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine. More information on requirements on the country composition is described in the instruction.

How to Apply, Learn Below

Step1: The Call Open from 20th June to 20th September 2023

Step2: Write Your Application 19th June to 20th September 2023

Step3: Submit your application by 20th September 2023 (1st July to 20th September 2023)

Step4: Check the success of your application (21st September 2023 to 30th November 2023)



Support to Write Application

  • Please read the instructions carefully before you try to fill in the application
  • There downloadable template and information available on the official website, please do before hand, to avoid hassles.
  • Download and save templates to your computer
  • Application if filled only through online mode use the SI application portal to fill the application.
  • For queries and problems swiftly connect to the funding organization



Reference Official Website to Seed Funding for SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme




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