Apply for Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program: Complete information on Eligibility Criteria, Application Process, Funding Information and How to apply

Introduction: Apply for Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program, The Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) is inviting applications for its prestigious grant program. Unlock opportunities for your projects and initiatives by applying today. Don’t miss this chance to turn your ideas into impact realities.

 Last Date of Application: 30th November 2023

Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program Objective

  • TIFO strives to contribute to enhanced international understanding of Japan by promoting cultural exchanges, including the organization and sponsorship of symposia and seminars.

Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program Project Categories for Grant

  • TIFO supports projects that promote understanding of Japan, and divides them into the following four categories:
  • Symposia and seminars that promote international understanding of Japan
  • Cultural programs that promote international understanding of Japan
  • Research and studies that promote international understanding of Japan
  • Programs to foster future experts who will contribute to promoting international understanding of Japan

Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program Eligibility Criteria


  • Non-profit organizations
  • Organizations that have or will have a bank account in its officially registered name for the remittance of grant.


  • Projects that meet TIFO’s objective and the mentioned project categories for grant. The project should deepen understanding of Japan, especially overseas.
  • Projects, or a discrete part of a continuing project, that can be completed within one fiscal year (April 1st of one year to March 31st of the following year).

Ineligible cases

  • The following are ineligible and will not be accepted:
  • Applications from individuals
  • Application for a lump-sum grant for the same project over a period of more than three years.
  • Application for expenses to stay in Japan for an extended period

Toshiba International Foundation Grant Program Points of attention


  • For multi-year projects of up to three years’ duration, apply every year. The Selection Committee will evaluate the project each year and decide whether or not TIFO will continue to extend support.
  • Applicants who have received support for three consecutive years become ineligible to receive support for a fourth year under the same program. This measure enables TIFO to extend support to as many applicants as possible by de-emphasizing repeated long-term funding to the same recipients. Other than exceptional projects where TIFO finds compelling reasons for continued support for over three years, a guiding principle of TIFO’s grant policy is not to award grants for four consecutive years. While they do not regard such applications as ineligible, they are much less likely to receive support.
  • The entire amount of grant must be used for the execution of the awarded project purpose only. TIFO grant amounts are determined on the basis of specific estimate contained in applications, and grant funds shall not to be used to pay for any costs other than those expressly detailed in the application.



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