Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025: Check Funding Information, Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025: Check Funding Information, Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

Introduction: Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025. The same is currently accepting proposal applications. Interested organizations are encouraged to review the article thoroughly to understand the eligibility criteria and funding details. If your organization meets the requirements, be sure to submit your application before the deadline of March 13, 2025.



Last Date of Submission: 13th March 2025

Grant Range: Up to $1.5 million

Overview of the Program (Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025)

The UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement (UAEREP) is inviting innovative research and technology proposals aimed at advancing rain enhancement, particularly in arid regions. Over five award cycles, the program has funded 14 projects, driving significant progress in cloud seeding technologies and expanding the global knowledge base in rain enhancement.

For its 6th Cycle, UAEREP is aligning with a newly defined vision and strategic framework set by the National Center of Meteorology (NCM). The goal is to establish UAEREP as the global benchmark for rain enhancement research, technology development, demonstration, and deployment, contributing to improved rainfall and water security in the UAE and beyond.


The UAEREP wants to achieve this through below mentioned vision

  • Develop scientifically validated technology platforms and verification methodologies that play a key role in improving rainfall patterns and ensuring water security in the UAE and across the globe. Establish the UAE as a world leader in the science, technology, and practical application of rain enhancement solutions.

Program Pillars (Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025)

The program is built on the following pillars:

  • Managed Grant Assistance: Technical oversight and evaluation
  • International Collaboration: Industry-government-academia
  • Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer
  • Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation
  • Strategic Elements/Thrust Areas
  • For the UAEREP’s 6th Cycle, the program will focus on five Strategic Elements / Thrust Areas:

Optimized Seeding Materials

Specific Research Topics

  • Experiments in cloud chambers, fog, and natural clouds to improve understanding of cloud physics and precipitation processes (process-level understanding and testing).
  • Impact of cloud seeding methods and materials on cloud chemistry, physics, and dynamics (processlevel understanding and testing).
  • Characterization of physical properties of seeding flares (particles growth rates, ionization state of particles produced).
  • Testing and leveraging models of multiple rain enhancement strategies and technologies to gain further fundamental understanding from the observations and experiments.
  • Integration of new measurement and numerical tools to gain a clear, scientific understanding of the full chain of events of all the processes involved in cloud formation, rainfall, and rainfall stimulation.
  • Creation of testbeds comprising a mix of field campaign data with in-situ upper air, satellite, and ground measurements (monitoring networks).
  • Determination of the amounts of seeding materials required to have optimal rainfall enhancement effects.

Novel Cloud Formation and/or Rain Enhancement Systems

Specific Research Topics

  • Neutral and/or ion chemistry of CCN formation.
  • Laboratory to field studies on enhanced rain-bearing cloud formation, and the adaptation of platforms incorporating on-board sensing techniques for identification of optimal target conditions.

Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Specific Research Topics

  • Development of coordination protocols and communication systems for coordinated, multiple UAS operations.
  • Real-time adaptive strategies that enable effective collaboration in complex atmospheric conditions.
  • Development of precision delivery mechanisms for established UAS platforms.
  • Integration of advanced sensing technologies into established UAS platforms.
  • Autonomy in UAS rainfall enhancement decision-making processes.

Limited-Area Climate Interventions

Specific Research Topics

  • The potential, and any negative consequences, of specific Limited-Area Climate Interventions.
  • Required legal and governance framework for specific Limited-Area Climate Interventions.
  • Logistics and benefit cost analyses of potential upscaling of radiation flux modification approaches.
  • Understanding of the sea breeze and its interaction with natural and artificial topographical and landform phenomena relevant to cloud and precipitation formation. The potential impact of existing landform modification on moisture and energy fluxes beneficial for cloud and precipitation formation.
  • Optimal designed potential landform intervention with comprehensive cost benefit, environmental, and co-benefits considerations.
  • Quantification of the effectiveness of existing topographical modifications on cloud and precipitation formation and how these can benefit from leveraging on other interventions.

Advanced Models, Software, and Data

Specific Research Topics

  • Advanced software utilizing cutting-edge algorithms to model cloud microphysics with high precision and efficiency.
  • Cloud chamber models and real-world operations using data-driven models and ML/AI to improve cloud microphysics modeling and seeding effectiveness.
  • Advanced algorithms and specialized software to analyze atmospheric data and cloud properties, leveraging ML/AI to optimize cloud seeding strategies and enhance local process understanding.
  • Data-driven and physics-driven methods with advanced visualization tools and cloud chamber simulations to enhance understanding of cloud physics, precipitation processes, and cloud seeding optimization.
  • Interactive simulation and visualization tools, advanced software platforms, and user-friendly interfaces for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing cloud seeding data.
  • Innovative decision-support systems tailored to support operational decision-making in cloud seeding operations.
  • ML/AI and big data analytics to improve short-term weather forecasting accuracy specifically for supporting decision-making in cloud seeding operations.
  • Enhancing observational networks, creating a centralized data repository, and ensuring data accessibility to support advancements in cloud seeding operations and weather forecasting.


Funding Information (Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025)

The program will offer up to three awards, each expected to be valued at up to $1.5 million, distributed over a three-year timeframe. A thorough, two-stage merit review process will be used to select the awardees, with the final recipients to be announced in January 2026.

Eligibility Criteria (Apply for Grants for UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science 2025)
  • Domestic (UAE) or foreign, public or private, non-profit or for-profit organizations are eligible to receive this cooperative agreement award. All eligible entities must clearly demonstrate that they have access to the facilities and infrastructure necessary to carry out the proposed project. Eligible entities must also agree to the fiscal arrangements that the Program Secretariat requires to ensure that awardees are able to responsibly manage the funds.
  • The PI must have substantial research and management experience in the associated field of science and/or engineering to lead the Project. Co-PIs may share in the responsibility of the scientific or technical direction of the project. The first name listed on the application will serve as the primary liaison to the Program Secretariat and have responsibility for the project management and the submission of reports.
  • There are no restrictions to the number of pre-proposals that can be submitted to this competition by a single organization. However, it should be noted that any one organization may only receive one award per competition cycle.
  • There are no restrictions to the number of pre-proposals that can be submitted by a PI or Co-PI, but it should be noted that a PI or Co-PI may only receive one award per competitive cycle.
  • Proposals submitted to the program must not be either awarded or currently under review by any other entity.


How to Apply?

Get full access to the grant information, visit the Official Website Link


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