Introduction: Request for Concept Note for Advancing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2025 with Budget USD 2500, The World Health Organization (WHO) is inviting concept notes for a research program focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people in developing countries. Interested organizations are encouraged to review the detailed article to understand the eligibility criteria and submit their applications before 21st February 2025.
Last Date of Submission: 21st Feburary 2025
Grant Range: US $2500
Priority of the (Request for Concept Note for Advancing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2025 with Budget USD 2500)
Sexual and reproductive health research priorities for young adolescents 2025-2035
- How does the use of social media affect young adolescents’ SRHR – both positively and negatively?
- What are the mental health challenges faced by young adolescents and how do these affect their SRHR?
- How do the SRHR needs of young adolescents vary by subpopulations (e.g., different genders, displaced populations, ethnic minorities, people living with disabilities, or other marginalized populations)?
- How can implementation of comprehensive sexuality education be strengthened among young adolescents?
- What are the most critical modifiable factors that should be addressed to promote SRHR of young adolescents (including addressing early pregnancy, child marriage and gender-based violence)?
- How can interventions/services be developed and delivered that meet the specific health needs of adolescents, taking into account age, developmental needs and the involvement of caregivers where appropriate?
- Where do young adolescents seek information on SRHR (e.g., peers, school, teachers, caregivers, digital technologies)?
- How can young adolescents be meaningfully engaged in the co-design of programmes and services that meet their needs?
- What do young adolescents consider as positive aspects of SRHR in their lives?
- How can access to training and resources for health care and educational providers be improved to inform high quality implementation of services for young adolescents?
Purpose of the (Request for Concept Note for Advancing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2025 with Budget USD 2500)
- The present request for concept notes is intended to advance the above priorities through research. Research can include: developing and testing a new intervention or replicating an existing intervention that has been shown to be effective in a new context (simply replicating an intervention is not in itself research).
- Both experimental designs and implementation research will be considered. Research can be descriptive such as undertaking a survey on knowledge, attitudes and perspectives of adolescents toward a specific issue or analyzing demographic data to answer specific questions or it can study how laws and/or policies impact populations of young people.
- Systematic and other types of literature reviews will not qualify in this RFP. Pre-submission inquiries regarding the suitability of a proposal for this specific call are encouraged and can be directed to Sheri Bastien at
Funding Information (Request for Concept Note for Advancing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2025 with Budget USD 2500)
- If the study is selected through this RFP, US$2500 will be provided to the lead applicant. This is intended to contribute to the further development and articulation of the research proposal.
Eligibility Criteria (Request for Concept Note for Advancing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2025 with Budget USD 2500)
- Any individual or team member from the following is eligible to apply:
- World Bank designated low- or middle-income country
- Academic institutions/universities
- Civil society or non-governmental organizations
- Youth organizations.
- There is no restriction as to settings for the research. For example, any of the following are all potential settings: clinics, schools, community organizations, sports and recreational settings, religious institutions and prisons (these are only examples). The settings for the study should be determined by the research question(s).
How to Apply
Preparing your application
- Applications must be in English using 11-point Times New Roman or similar font. Please limit your submission to no more than three pages. Applications must answer each of the following:
- What priority will be the focus of the study? (Applications must focus on one of the priorities stated above.)
- What are the research questions guiding the study? (1-2 research questions)
- What is the knowledge gap this research will aim to address and how might that knowledge improve adolescent health?
- What is the potential for the study to have impact at the national, regional or global level?
- What is the population of focus in the research? (Although the intent of this RFP is on young adolescents under age 15 years-old, proposals can include older adolescents as well.)
- What methods will be used to conduct the study? Given that determinants of adolescent health and wellbeing often cross disciplinary boundaries (for example, health and education), a multidisciplinary approach is strongly encouraged.
- What are the resources required to undertake the study (financial, ethical approvals, expertise, access to specific populations etc.)?
- Who are the collaborating partners/ organizations (if any)?
- Who will be on the research team (please provide names and titles/ affiliations)?
- What are the problems/ barriers and/or ethical concerns that might arise doing this research and how will these be addressed?
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