Introduction: Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024, The Government of Republic of the Marshall Islands has received financing from the World Bank for Institutional Strengthening of the Central Implementation Unit (CIU) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services for a pool. For the same they are inviting eligible individuals to apply for the position of Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist to work with Central Implementation Unit (CIU) World Bank Marshall Island. Interested individual may apply before 6th December 2024.
Apply Before: 6th December 2024
Location: Marshall Islands
Job Overview
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
Assignment Title: Social Safeguards Specialist
Reference No.: MH-DIDA-451719-CS-INDV
The Government of Republic of the Marshall Islands has received financing from the World Bank for Institutional Strengthening of the Central Implementation Unit (CIU) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services for a pool. The objective of the CIU is to enhance quality and timeliness of preparation and implementation for World Bank (WB) financed Projects and to build systems and lasting capacity within the RMI in relation to project implementation.
The consulting services (“the Services”) will include a centrally “housed” expertise for cross cutting functions one of which is Social Safeguards Specialist. The position is full time – In country for a period of one (1) year with possibility of extension based on performance and an expected start date of December 15, 2024.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained at the address given below.
The Ministry of Finance through the Division of International Development Assistance (DIDA) now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (to attach cover letter and curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, etc.). The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:
Mandatory (Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
- Master’s degree with minimum 6 years’ experience in social science, planning, anthropology, or similar. In lieu of a Master’s Degree, a Bachelor’s degree with 8-10 + years of experience in the industry.
- At least 8-10 years’ successful experience in social assessment with demonstrated experience in working in the Pacific region, and with remote and small communities on infrastructure projects using Good Industry International Practice for engagement of affected people and beneficiaries of development projects.
- Demonstrable experience in the application of development partner social safeguard policies, in particular policies on resettlement and experience in World Bank or ADB safeguards policies. Evidence to be provided of successful project outcomes.
- Demonstrated ability to write clear and concise reports.
- Team player with a strong interest in building capacity and knowledge sharing.
- Experience working within multi sector and multicultural teams.
- Experience in Small Islands developing States (SIDS) and / or similar remotely located communities; or relevant senior level experience outside home country.
Desirable (Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
- Experience and necessary skills to build capacity with team members and stakeholders, both informally and formally.
- Ability to develop and manage their own workload and prioritise effectively in response to project demands and timeframes and provide timely advice and deliverables to PIU and CIU team members.
The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” September, 2023 (available on (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
How to Apply?
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e., 0900 to 1700 hours.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 5:00pm Majuro/local time on December 6, 2024. The email subject line should state: “Social Safeguards Specialist – full name of the candidate”.
Program Manager
Phone No. +6926255968
And cc the following:
Assistant Secretary, DIDA
Phone No. +6926255968
Procurement Office
Ministry of Finance
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant
Title: Individual consultant – Social Safeguards Specialist
Activity Reference number: MH-DIDA-451719-CS-INDV
Location: Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Ministry of Finance
Duration: One (1) year, based on the approval/financing of the “IMPACT” project (P506422) by the World Bank prior to March 2025.
Extension of this position may be considered and will be dependent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funding.
Tentative Start Date: December 15, 2024
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is among the most vulnerable nations in the world. It is highly exposed to adverse effects from climate change and natural hazards which can result in disasters that affect its entire economic, human, and physical environment and impact its long-term development agenda. In recognition of these risks, international development agencies are working with the RMI government to implement a number of projects in RMI. Specifically, through World Bank financing the Government of the RMI has the following Projects:
- Pacific Resilience Project (RMI PREP Phase II)
– to strengthen early warning systems, climate resilient investments in shoreline protection, and financial protection against natural hazards in RMI.
- Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDeP)
– to invest in renewable energy.
- The Renewable Energy Generation and Access Increase (REGAIN)
- Project- to invest in renewable energy and construction of a power station in Majuro.
- Early Childhood Development (ECD) – to improve coverage of essential reproductive and maternal child health and nutrition services, to improve coverage of stimulation and early learning activities, to provide social assistance for early years families and to strengthen the multisectoral ECD system.
- Public Financial Management Project (PFM)
– to strengthening budget execution and financial reporting and to focus on improving the RMI financial management information system.
- Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program Second Phase (RMI PROPER)
– to strengthen the management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and coastal fisheries.
- The Urban Resilient Project to strengthen the resilience of select urban areas in the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the impacts of natural hazards and climate change
- The Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP)
- to increase equitable access to quality education and training programs focused on foundational and market-relevant skills development and to opportunities for continuing education, training, and employment.
- The RMI Digital Project to upgrade the digital capability of the nation
Additional projects and/or Development Policy Operations in the Pipeline may be added during the time frame of this consultancy.
The current RMI portfolio includes projects that have been approved under the World Bank Operational Policies as well as those approved under the ESF. All future projects will be subject to the ESF. Most projects are moderate or substantial for environmental and social risk.
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
To support the implementation of World Bank projects, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) Division of International Development Assistance (DIDA) has established a centralized implementation unit (CIU). The CIU is a unit within DIDA set up to monitor, coordinate and support all World Bank-financed projects under implementation in RMI, to ensure consistency in implementation across the WB portfolio; and to initiate and lead the preparation process for new WB-financed projects. The CIU will provide support on core implementation functions needed for all Bank financed projects such as but not limited to procurement, financial management, social and environmental safeguards, monitoring and evaluation and outreach and communications. These functions are either managed directly by the CIU or as an integrated service to PIU, or as advisory and technical support service on an as needed basis.
All projects have a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) located within the implementing Ministry for the project. Each PIU comprises of at least a full time Project Manager, project officer and relevant technical and support specialists. The CIU provides specialist support to each PIU. The individuals responsible for these functions will report to the CIU Program Manager and provide services and hands on support to all Project Implementing Units (PIUs) for preparation, implementation, and capacity building activities.
The Social Safeguards Specialist will be part of a team of environment and social specialists in the CIU. The team consists of an International Environmental Specialist, International Safeguards Specialist (this position) and a National Safeguards Officer. The Social Safeguards Specialist will report to the CIU Program Manager and will work collaboratively with the environment and social team in the CIU. The social and environment team will develop a coordination mechanism to ensure that the workload across the portfolio is addressed in a coordinated manner. The Social Safeguards Specialist will provide ongoing training and capacity building to the Safeguards Officer and PIU team members.
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
The Government is seeking to hire an International Social Safeguards Specialist Consultant to support the implementation of the social safeguard’s activities for the range of World Bank projects in RMI. The Social Safeguards Specialist will also be required to provide general safeguards support as needed. The portfolio consists of a number of activities that will require robust social safeguards oversight. Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Provide expert advice to the PIU and the RMI government on key social issues and aspects of all Projects in a timely manner.
- Provide input to projects that are under preparation; and provide implementation support to projects that are underway.
- Support the Ebeye CIU Program Officer and make improvements where necessary with the stakeholder engagement activities in Ebeye during the implementation of of PREPII.
- Together with the Environmental Specialist, supervise the PREP II Ebeye Design Consultant’s activities and outputs relating to social safeguards. This will involve, inter alia, reviewing draft and final documents (Options Analysis, ESIA, ESMP, RAP), reviewing progress reports, providing advice on consultations, providing advice on the preparation of the Resettlement Action Plan, and contributing to workshops and technical discussions.
- Together with the Environmental Specialist, provide advice on the selection of the PREP II Ebeye Contractor, including review of capacity for implementing social aspects of the ESMP.
- If required, support the Ebeye CIU Project Officer and project team to manage any significant social grievances on the Project.
- If the PREP II Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC) is triggered during the period of contract, the Social Specialist shall work with the PIU team to undertake, where necessary, the required social assessment, screening and preparation of social safeguards instruments.
- For PREP II Component 3, SPC Aggregates Study support preparation for environmental and social assessment of the Aggregate Study, review outputs and support stakeholder engagement as required.
- For the ECD project, supervise the implementation of the ESMF and in particular the safeguards relating to social and gender equity, consultations and engagement, effective implementation of feedback and grievance redress mechanisms.
- For all Projects, as required, support each PIU and the Government of RMI to identify land acquisition requirements (temporary and permanent), land lease requirements, resettlement requirements (temporary and permanent and including economic displacement) and support the consultations and negotiations by the Government to ensure full compliance with World Bank safeguards policies, the World Bank ESF, the project RPF and / or RAP and the laws and policies of RMI. This may include preparing Resettlement Action Plans and / or supervising consultants to prepare such instruments and supervising the implementation of the instruments.
- For all Projects, as required, assist, if necessary, with the procurement of additional local support staff and / or consultants for social safeguards, by preparing TOR and reviewing CVs / candidates.
- For all Projects, as required, provide support with stakeholder engagement activities through project inception and implementation. This includes preparing or updating Stakeholder Engagement Plans.
- Supervision and support for specific social impact-related technical advisory activities for all Projects, as required, such as the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) needs assessment (RMI ECD,) and others. Prepare TOR, supervise consultants and assist with implementation as required. Assist the PIU and the CIU to implement the GBV-related tasks and grievance management across the World Bank portfolio.
- Together with the Environmental Specialist, provide advice on implementing social aspects of Project ESMP for all Projects, as required.
- If required, support the relevant PIU to manage any significant social grievances on any Project.
- Prepare social safeguards documents and / or supervise social safeguards activities, in the case that specialist consultants are required, for new Projects such as the Digital RMI Project which is currently in preparation. This will involve preparing Terms of Reference and supervising consultants and may also involve preparing social assessments, consultations and resettlement instruments as required.
- Working with the Environmental Specialist to Provide the CIU Program Manager an annual Capacity Building Plan for the National Safeguards Officer which shall reflect trainings that the Safeguards Officer will undertake for the year. Additionally, the Capacity Building Plan should reflect transfer of knowledge from the Specialist to Officer.
- Working with the Environmental Specialist to provide formal and ad-hoc training, mentoring and other capacity building to PIU, CIU, government staff and other stakeholders on the World Bank safeguards policies and ESF, stakeholder engagement, land acquisition, social assessment, gender issues and others.
- Working with the Environmental Specialist provide training and mentoring to the nationally hired Safeguards Officer, including developing a training and capacity building plan.
- Update and report on capacity building activities and outcomes to the CIU Program Manager every 6 months.
- Development of standard operating procedures for the CIU, PIU and others relating to social assessment, consultations.
- Other tasks as required.
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
- Provide social safeguards advice and support to all World Bank financed projects (active and under preparation) on an as needed basis.
- Preparation of range of E&S instruments including environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and management plans (ESMP), stakeholder Engagement Plans, Resettlement or land access instruments, labor management procedures, Grievance Mechanisms and other instruments under the ESF as required.
- Supervision of social consultants including inputs to TORs, consultant selection, review or methodology and field work programs, review and oversight of outputs prior to submission to the World Bank.
- Provide social safeguards and general training and awareness raising on the ESF for implementing agencies, the CIU, Government agencies and key stakeholders
- Develop and implement standard operating procedures for social safeguards (jointly with the Environmental Specialist)
- Develop and implement training and capacity development plan for Social Safeguards; the PIUs and other relevant stakeholders (jointly with the Environmental Specialist)
- Prepare monthly brief progress report (1 page) to be submitted by the environmental and social team to CIU Program Manager.
- Regular engagement with World Bank E&S counterparts.
Key Deliverables & Timing & KPI
Review core project document submission and provide feedback
7 business day service level agreement
Time taken to complete activity; quality of feedback provided
Project liaison and support including site inspections, screenings, monitoring
Average two site visits per project per year, with increased frequency of site visits in Majuro and Ebeye
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
The Social Safeguards Specialist will be located full time in Majuro and perform his/her duties in RMI. Domestic travel within RMI to neighboring islands will be required depending on the nature of the task. Remote work from home country may be allowed with prior approval from DIDA Assistant Secretary. The expected contract duration is 1 year, based on the implementation of the “IMPACT” project (P506422) by the World Bank prior to March 2025. Extension of this position may be considered and will be dependent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funding. This is a full-time position with a hybrid work model, including both remote and field-based responsibilities. The position is based in Majuro and may require travel to the outer islands site visits for other project activities when and if required. Remote work is allowed with prior approval from the client coordinator and or the DIDA Assistant Secretary.
There will be a probationary period of 3 months related to this assignment.
(Apply for Consultant Social Safeguards Specialist NGO Job vacancy for Marshall Islands 2024)
CVs of all applicants will be evaluated as follows: all CVs will be scrutinized against the assignment’s minimum requirements. The CVs of candidates that meet the minimum requirements will then be scored according to the set scoring criteria. The candidate with the highest score will be invited to negotiate contract. The selected candidate may be interviewed before appointment. Referees of the selected candidate may be contacted to verify prior experience, performance, and character traits.
- Master’s degree with minimum 6 years’ experience in social science, planning, anthropology, or similar. In lieu of a Master’s Degree, a Bachelor’s degree with 8-10 + years of experience in the industry.
- At least 8-10 years’ successful experience in social assessment and social risk management with demonstrated experience in working with remote and small communities on infrastructure projects using Good Industry International Practice for engagement of affected people and beneficiaries of development projects.
- Demonstrable experience in the application of World Bank and/or development partner social safeguard policies, in particular policies on social assessment, stakeholder engagement and grievance management . Evidence to be provided of successful project outcomes.
- Demonstrated ability to write clear and concise reports.
- Team player with a strong interest in building capacity and knowledge sharing.
- Experience in Small Islands developing States (SIDS) and / or similar remotely located communities; or relevant senior level experience outside home country.
- Experience and necessary skills to build capacity with team members and stakeholders, both informally and formally.
- Ability to develop and manage their own workload and prioritise effectively in response to project demands and timeframes and provide timely advice and deliverables to PIU and CIU team members.
Scoring Criteria: Candidate evaluations will be conducted based on the outlined criteria via:
Criterion & Maximum Points
- General Qualifications (general education, training, and experience) – 30
- Adequacy for the assignment (relevant education, training, experience in the sector/similar assignments/outside home country). – 50
- Experience in the SIDS or Pacific (working level fluency in local language(s)/knowledge of local culture or administrative system, government organization, etc.) – 20
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